How do I choose a strong password? How do I remember so many passwords?

How do I choose a strong password?

There are 5 simple rules to create a strong password. It should have the following:

  • 8-12 characters
  • At least one capital letter (A-Z)
  • At least one small letter (a-z)
  • At least one number (0-9)
  • At least one special character (~ ! @ # $ are some special characters)

For example: TrgXups@173# would be a strong password.

What to avoid when choosing a password

  • Do not use a single password for everything. There are still a lot of people using a single password for everything! This means everything can be compromised easily.
  • Do not choose simple passwords containing your name, a pet’s name, date of birth, anniversary, etc. All these details are easily available on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. Such passwords can be easy to guess by trial and error.

How do I remember so many passwords & secure them?

Write them down

Most people write them down somewhere. While this seems like a nice and easy way, it is also the most insecure. What happens if someone gets a hold of that sheet of paper? They would have complete access to all your email, bank accounts, investment accounts and more. If you are going to write down your passwords, keep that sheet safe!

Use the Notes App (Apple users only)ย notes

iPhone/iPad/Mac users have a built in Notes app. Iโ€™ve seen countless individuals entering all their usernames and passwords in Notes. This means the moment you hand over your unlocked iPhone to another person for any reason (even just to make a call) they will have unrestricted access to your Notes app in which all your passwords are present. Thankfully Apple has realised that the Notes app needs to be protected. You can now โ€œlockโ€ a note. Simply slide from right to left on a note and it will show a padlock icon. Tap the padlock icon and set a password for that note. The note can be unlocked with Touch ID or Face ID as well.

Use a Password Manager App1password

The concept of such an app is that you must remember only a single password (so make sure itโ€™s extremely strong!). Once you enter that password, all other usernames and passwords are saved in an organised manner within the app. The most popular app is 1Password. It is available for both iOS and Android. Try it out!

Why would anyone try and hack into our accounts?

There are endless scenarios. The most common reason an email account is hacked is to get access to a linked bank account.

Please set strong passwords using the above methods to keep them secure.

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