Backup Photos & Videos using Google Photos for free!

Do I need Google Photos?

Whether you are using an Android phone or an iPhone, backing up photos and videos is essential. We wouldn’t want to end up losing all the priceless photos and videos we’ve ever taken because the phone was stolen, damaged, etc.

However, manually backing up photos requires time, effort and discipline, which are in short supply in today’s busy world.

Google Photos is easy to use, secure, reliable and free.

What is Google Photos?

Google Photos is a photo storage and sharing service.

The app is available for both Android and iOS.

To use Google Photos, you will need to have a Gmail account.

Once the app is installed on your phone, it will ask you to sign in using your Gmail ID.

After signing in, the next step would be to select the type of backup.

High Quality

  • Unlimited Free Storage
  • Photos & Videos are compressed.
  • Maximum size for photos is 16 megapixels (MP) and videos is 1080p (full high density).

Original Quality

  • Limited Free Storage (15 GB)

In most cases, high quality would be sufficient.

That’s it! Google Photos is set up. Photos will start uploading automatically. Be sure to check the status from time to time to see that all the photos are uploaded.

Some additional features of Google Photos

People & pets’ faces are automatically scanned into albums. You will have to provide the name for each person or pet.

Albums for places are also created automatically. So, the next time you want to find photos of your holiday all you need to do is search by place.

A search can also be done based on a thing, i.e. trees, lakes, mountains, cars, etc.

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